JavaScript Programming Made Easy for Beginners and Testers

What you’ll learn
JavaScript from Scratch
JavaScript Made Easy for Beginners in the easiest way
Running JavaScript using HTML
JavaScript Programming

Requirements All pre-requisites i.e. HTML, CSS, and DOM are covered in this course itself

In this course, I have explained all the concepts of JavaScript Client-side programming language as required for understanding the fundamental web technologies, that are required for beginners and Software Testers.
All the Software that is required for learning JavaScript is covered as part of this course itself.
All the prerequisites like HTML, CSS, and DOM that are required for learning JavaScript have also been covered as part of this course itself.
This is an end-to-end course, where you can learn how JavaScript can be used in Web Designing and also how it can be used as part of Client side programming. The main focus of this course is the programming side of JavaScript, where all the programming concepts shown in the below list of topics are covered:

Below are the topics covered in this session:

Introduction to JavaScript
Download, Installing and use Visual Studio code along with Live Server Extension
HTML, CSS, and DOM basics for JavaScript
Executing the JavaScript code – Let’s Begin
Printing output using console.log() and document.write() DOM statements
Separating the JavaScript code from HTML code and executing
Executing the JavaScript code using node.js
Variables, Data Types, and Literals in JavaScript
Operators in JavaScript
Comments in JavaScript
const versus var keywords in JavaScript
Control Flow Statements in JavaScript
Conditional Statements in JavaScript – if, if else, if and switch, tch
Looping Statements in JavaScript – while, do while, and for loops
break and continue Statements in JavaScript
Functions in JavaScript
let versus var keywords in JavaScript
Declaring variables without any var keyword in JavaScript
Objects in JavaScript and for-in loop
Arrays in JavaScript
Type Casting in JavaScript
Dates in JavaScript
Strings in JavaScript
Classes, Objects, Class Properties, Constructors, and static
Encapsulation in JavaScript
Inheritance in JavaScript
Method Overloading is not supported by JavaScript
Polymorphism – Overriding Methods in JavaScript
Using super keyword and super() in JavaScript
Constructor Functions in JavaScript
Abstraction in JavaScript
Prototype in JavaScript
Numbers in JavaScript
Math Object in JavaScript
Sets in JavaScript
Maps in JavaScript
for loop with Strings, Arrays, Sets, and Maps
Regular Expressions in JavaScript

Who this course is for:
Beginners who want to learn JavaScript from Scratch.

Key Info
Category Coding/Developement
Price #1700
Number Of Videos 39
Laptop Yes
Internet Access No
In-Course Purchases No
Willingness To Learn Yes
Zip File No
Drive Link Yes
Mega Link No
Newbie Level Yes
Expert Level Yes